Recognizing signs of human trafficking in hospitality industry

By Katie Amodei, Communications dir. for Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking Guest article written for Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association 6/3/2024– ​Child sex trafficking is a devastating crime that can go unnoticed in the hospitality industry. Traffickers take advantage of the privacy and anonymity provided in hotels to exploit vulnerable […]

OSU: Dogs used to detect vole tunnels

By Oregon State University Extension Service, MONMOUTH, Ore. – Ruby ran through the high pasture grass, nose to the ground, looking for the scent of an active vole tunnel. The dog sat down suddenly, alerting her handler to the scent. A group of more than 40 who attended Voles, Dogs […]

Palau ministry big UK event (27,000)

By Luis Palau Ministries Oregon based international ministry Excerpt from update, “The final day of the festival went so well. Despite the forecast of showers and wind sufficient to significantly affect the evening program, the day was dry throughout, the wind calmer than all week, and the only drops we […]

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